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Try Dives / Refreshers

Reactivate Course The PADI Reactivate programme starts with a brief refresher session via elearning to see if you remember how to best handle each situation. ReActivate monitors your responses and moves on when you're spot on, or delivers more detailed information if you weren't quite right.  Please review our risk discl... Find Out More

Discover Scuba Diving Thinking about giving diving ago? A Discover Scuba dive with a PADI Dive Professional in our onsite heated Pool will give you a chance to experience what it is like to breathe underwater with Scuba Gear, then you can decide for yourself if you want to take things to the next level!  Please review our risk discl... Find Out More

Intro to Sidemount Diving   Have you ever wanted to give Sidemount DIving a go? Now is your chance with our free intro to Sidemount courses run in out pool. Get a taste for why this type of diving is becoming so populat.  (Must be a certified diver to partricpate in the session ) Find Out More
